Hämeenlinna BBA students HÄTÄ ry is a registered association which supervises the interests of students of Business Administration, Business Information Technology, and International Business Students at Häme University of Applied Sciences.
The association was founded in 2013, and its activities are managed by a board annually elected from among the student members.
The board is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the association and takes care of the association's finances, co-operation patterns, organizes events and activities for its members according to their interests. Members of the association have the opportunity to influence operations each year at general meetings in spring and autumn.
In the autumn we look for new members to join the board. New members of the board for next year are elected at the autumn general meeting and the term will officially begin in January. The orientation starts well in advance usually at the end of the year. We announce the board application period on our social media channels and on campus information boards at the turn of October-November. If interested, you can contact the board any time.
Students of business and technology
Students of Business and Technology
established an organization for all Business and Technology students in 2002. They have focused on the professional advocacy and strengthening of the professional identity of BBA students. Students of Business and Technology actively participate in the development of the BBA degree and ensure that students are treated fairly in working life.
The activities of Students of Business and Technology are carried out by the Board of the union, whose members are elected annually in November at the general assembly, which is the decision-making body for Students of Business and Technology.
Students of Business and Technology have 30 member associations. As an independent member association, Students of Business and Technology belong to Professionals of Business and Technology, through which they bring a student perspective to decision-making.
Professionals of Business and Technology belong to Akava's member organizations, 36 in total. Akava's task is to monitor and promote the position of Akava residents in working life and in society as a whole.
Students of Business and Technology have representative in the Akava student delegation.
All students, who complete BBA degree at Häme University of Applied Sciences in Hämeenlinna, Valkeakoski or Forssa, can become a member.
Read more about all the benefits here.