General meetings
Association has at least two general meetings in spring and autumn. Every member can join these meetings.
Hämeenlinna BBA students HÄTÄ ry and Hämeenlinna Engineering Students HIOP ry organises its own checkpoint course and after party event for students starting each year, where freshmen can get to know their student friends and connect with all other students. After the checkpoint course, you can continue the evening to the selected after party location.
Hämeenlinna BBA students HÄTÄ ry and Hämeenlinna Engineering Students HIOP ry organises a legendary cruise party every year in November. Traditionally, the cruise is from Turku to Stockholm and back, and the event includes a shuttle bus. This unforgettable cruise you should not miss!

In 2017, Hämeenlinna BBA students' HÄTÄ ry, Hämeenlinna engineer students' HIOP ry and the student union HAMKO launched their own Appro in Hämeenlinna. Hämeenlinnan Appro is the largest student event to be held in Hämeenlinna. The event will be carried out with a checkpoint course touring local restaurants and as the years increase, you will receive the next level overall badge. The time for the Appro is in normal circumstances in the spring. Photos of the Appro event in Hämeenlinna can be found on Facebook here! Are you the next Haudattu helvetin hidas humalaine hämäläine?
Tradenologia (or logia) is an annual event organized by Students of Business and Technology and its member associations. Two days include the most traditional team-by-team checkpoint course, appro and a great after-party on both nights. The venue and organizing association of the event change every year and logia has been celebrated all over Finland for 20 years already!
HÄTÄ ry organizes different changing events together with other student associations. HÄTÄ ry is one of the ten student associations that operates in HAMK's area.